Gift Guide 2018: Kitchen Essentials – a practical and realistic gift guide of kitchen essentials. Perfect for anyone and everyone that loves to cook or wants to start to cook!
If you know me, you know that I love practical gifts. Don’t get me wrong, if someone wants to gift me something lavish and extra, I will not object, but I do love a gift that will be used regularly –especially kitchen essentials! This year’s gift guide will be short and sweet because I’ve been trying to live that minimalist lifestyle. The products listed are products I use all the time, and personally think they would make anyone’s lift easy in the kitchen. Hope you enjoy!
1. Lodge Cast Iron Skillet – I say this all the time, but everyone needs to invest in a cast iron skillet. They are so versatile, and can be used so many different ways. You can go from stove top to oven or to grill or to over an open fire. Plus, the crust you get when you sear meat on a cast iron is perfection.
2. Ballarini Nonstick Frying Pan – These are the best nonstick pans I’ve ever owned. I use my ballarini pan every single day. I have the 8 inch pan, 12 in pan, and the wok. I’m tempted to just buy the whole set. Whoever gets one of these pans are super lucky and should be grateful!
3. Cookie Scoop – I love my cookie scoop, and not because I love to make cookies. We all know I’m the worse baker. I use these to make meatballs so they are all the same size and cook evenly. I also like using it to make these stuffed potato balls as well!
4. A set of good knives – I got this Zwilling set of knives last year, and it changed the game for me. Invest in good knives or invest in good knives for someone you love. It’ll make a difference, trust me!
5. Immersion blender – I use this more than I thought I ever would. It’s great for homemade mayo, dips, sauces, and soups.
Bonus gift: Instant Pot – having an Instant Pot isn’t necessary, but it has been a huge time saver for me. I use this thing just as much as I use my Ballarini nonstick frying pans. I’m sure anyone who get this as a gift would be SO happy!
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Hey Dolly! I love that your gift guide is practical! Many gift guides out there recommend such impractical, not to mention expensive, guides. Well done on this one! And you’re right, a cast iron is a must!